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Ice for private customers

At IceMallorca, we offer ice cubes and crushed ice to private individuals. Then you don’t have to worry about all the hassle even when parties and events are to be held. We are ready for a solution that will create the coolness that the party needs. Order ice cubes from us, and we will deliver them to your doorstep.

Los cubitos de hielo se entregan en toda Mallorca

Ice cubes

Se entrega hielo picado en toda Mallorca

Crushed ice

Los cubitos de hielo Cube se entregan en toda Mallorca

Premium cubes

køb isterninger og knust is med garanti for tilfredshed
Customer satisfaction guarantee
Køb isterninger og knust is med levering i hele Danmark
all over Mallorca
Køb isterninger og knust is med levering inden for 6 timer
within 6 hours
Køb isterninger, knust is og cube is hos Isklart
Ice in
different forms

Ice cubes or crushed ice?

More and more people choose to have ice cubes and crushed ice delivered to their private event, and we understand that very well! Drop the hassle with small ice cube trays and ice cube bags in the freezer.

Grandes y pequeñas cantidades de cubitos de hielo de IceMallorca

Ice cubes for private use.

Save yourself the hassle and buy ice cubes ready to use at IceMallorca. Our ice cubes are perfect for drinks, cocktails, and cold beverages like champagne, beer, and bottled wine.

You can also use our ice cubes to chill food or other products that need them. Our ice cubes are made to high standards and by the best machines on the market by Scotsman.

Grandes y pequeñas cantidades de hielo picado de IceMallorca

Crushed ice for private use.

Don’t feel like crushing the ice yourself? Then buy crushed ice at IceMallorca. Crushed ice is used in many classic cocktails, mixes, and long drinks like Mojito, Bramble, White Russian, or Strawberry Daiquiri, for which a lot of crushed ice is required.

The crushed ice is also great for chilling cans and smaller bottles, for example. The crushed ice settles closer around the cans and small bottles than the large ice cubes. We also recommend Crushed Ice for your blender as it is more gentle than using ice cubes.

Our crushed ice is made with high hygiene and by the best machines on the market by Scotsman.

Grandes y pequeñas cantidades de hielo picado de IceMallorca

Spice up the party and choose the right accessories